Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Taste of Summer

Even though I'm still pulling gloves on as I walk out the door in the City, it's obvious that spring is on its way.

But the country - well, that's a different story.

Fall, though brief, is truly beautiful.

Spring, however, seems to be taken over by mud season. The snow melts, and the rains come, and the road, which is not paved, turns to mush. Without a crisp cover of white,

it's pretty bleak.

Last weekend Walter and Peggy stayed in town. Margaret and Tom went back to Baltimore.

And I don't blame them.

It's true. Soon the lilacs will bloom, and the bushes will bud. There will even be home-grown asparagus for breakfast to dip in the yolk of a softly cooked egg.

But, basically, from March through May, upstate everyone's waiting for summer, with its long languorous days, blue skies, and green grass.

Gin and tonics on the porch at the end of the day.

Eggplant from the garden fried crisp and topped while still hot with chunks of our own tomatoes marinated in olive oil and laced with garlic and basil. Zucchini and summer squash. Green and yellow beans plucked from their stalks right before blanching.

Even our own sweet little onions.

This is how the garden looks now.

But THIS is how the garden looked last August

when I walked outside to get some corn

to make this "simple and very rich"

Creamed Corn
Vegetables, Savory Fruit Dishes, Pickles & Preserves, Page 253

It was delicious - better than any creamed corn I ever had before. I can't wait to make it again!



David said...

Glad to see you're back and posting again. Zuni is one of my favorite cookbooks. I've recently started my own "cook through the book" blog, over at Keep up the great posts!


EB said...

I can't even tell you how much I want a garden!! Lucky broad.